Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Victim of a medical professional... my story.

Hi, my name is Anthony Wright, I am 26 years old, born April 6th, 1986.  Today is 11-13-2012.  And i am an addict, but not in the illegal way.  I'v never done drugs unless perscribed by my doctor, and i have never miss used my perscriptions.  I guess thats why its so hard for me to beleave that this is happening to me... I Trusted a medical professional, my family doctor, the man who delivered me at birth that was my first mistake...  I was diagnosed with "Severe" ADHD when i was in 2nd grade, and from there i have been medicated by several medications to to "fix" me.    At 8 years old (3rd grade) I was put on Adderall, to combate the ADHD, when i was in 5th grade, they put me on Adderall xr.  From there my dosage was contiuesly upped from 20 mg doses to 40 mg dosages (the max dosage or an adult) i was 15 years old.  At about 15 years old my persnality type hd changed dramaticly, i was always a very passive, layed back, and happy child; by this time i had become distant from friends, and family, my attitude had become very aggressive, hostel, and controlling., I had a focus that nothing would get in the way of;  i felt so detached from the world arund me, and very much alone; i became extremly perinoid, got into alot of fights, and had lost allot of weight.  My mother noticed the difrance, and asked my doctor if we could take me off of this medcation, the doctor told her that i was fine, and ths was common until i was used to the 40 mg dosages. so i stayed on the meds.  Over the next two years i changed so much that i bearly new my self, but still had no idea that what was happening to me was not normal.  at age 17 i started getting depressed and the drive and focus my medicatin had been providing me had stoped working as well as it had in the past, i askd my doctor if we could try another medication, he told me that i was simply growing an immunity to the dosage and at 17 years old he uped my dosage to 60 mg a day of the same adderall xr. my personality became more agressive, my heart rate increased, i started sweating rediculusly while performing the most basic of taskes.  i started getting extremly bad migranes, my eyes (even still today) are so sensitive to sunlight that i have to wear dark sun glasses out side, even  on the most cloudy days.  I delt with it for 3 months, then went directly to my doctor about the symptoms, he again told me i was just getting used to the new dosage. for years i was was on 60 mg a day.  at age 25 my emotional agressiveness had become so strong that i couldnt control it any more, i stoped just getting angry and instead went straight to rageful, and easily irritated. this year My boyfriend an i did furthr research on these pills, an found that if medicated by these meds for to long, they can casue NEW or worsening bipolor disorder, and new behavior, and unusual thoughts, Severe emotiona aggessivness, Agitation, and delusions, and very hostel behavior.... it said  Contact your doctor Imediatly if you experince any of these side effects, or a sensativity to sunlight, or vision issues, or exesive sweating or in creased heart rate.  It warrned that people with a family history of any type of heart problums, should not take this mediction, and that this medication is never to be used longer than needed. I have aways had a family history of heart desease.  So my boyfriend and i immediatly went to my doctor, and they were yet again going to tell me its all in my head. I had tried to stop taking the medication at age 21 for aout 3 days, and my body felt like it was breaking in half, the pain was unreal,  This time at my apointment with my doctor my boyfriend did the talking, and the doctor admitted (in a round about way of course) that i have an "induced addiction", and that during the very early 20's a person with ADD or ADHD who are on adderall xr usuly cure them selfes, as the back lobe of the brain actualy catches up with the frontel lobe of the brain, and this illiminates the ADD or ADHD, and the person becomes "normal".  I asked how a person would be able to tell, if this had happened, and the doctor told us, that the medication would either stop working, (the body grows an immunity to the medication), so my boyfriend asked an if this had happened and the person were to stay medicated on the addreall xr wat would happen, The doctor told us that the person would start to endure the side effects of the medication.  So in other words at age 15 my brain cured it's self of ADHD, i became immune to to the mediation, and instead of my "Trustworthy" doctor taking me off of this medication, he uped my dosage to 20 mg over the max dosage for adults (while i was still a teen!) i am now an addict to this medication, this narcodic... addicted to legal meth... now i have to get my self off this medication, safley, whie trying to retrain my mind how to function, and work, with out being medicated.  this is my story, and a step by step day by day blog, im going to write, sharing my experiances, thoughts, and actions, through out this 6 week plan to kick this addiction.  I hope that my stratagies, and my experiances comming off of this medication, an recovering from this "induced addiction" will help others, who like me have become a "victim" of careless doctors and heath care profesionals.  I was tested for ADD an ADHD in 2nd grade, and i have never been retested.   I have No idea how to react, think, or live day to day with out being medicated.  So we are starting my decent by 10mg each week until i am compleatly off of this medication.     

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